Monday 9 July 2007

Space Pens And Other Myths

Tower Bridge is often mistakenly called London Bridge. There's also an urban myth that London Bridge was once sold (to either an Arab or American) millionaire with them thinking they were actually getting Tower Bridge. I don't think this story is true. In 1968 the old London Bridge was sold to an American and shipped to Lake Havasu, Arizona; but that's because it was sinking and he knew full well which bridge he was getting.

There's another urban myth about NASA spending $4m and 2 years developing a pen that worked in space (zero gravity causes havoc with ink-flow). Upon being told this by a proud NASA official, a Russian cosmonaught simply replied 'We just use pencils'. Much to the embarrassment of the NASA official and entire American nation.

I want to believe this story. But its quite obviously bollocks.


Anonymous said...

i want to believe that story too.

i'm going to.

Anonymous said...

or they could have used a crayon