Monday 7 January 2008

Imperialist Square

I've started off the new year with a new route to work from disembarkation from the boat. The boat now docks at Embankment, rather than Savoy Pier, which encourages a more westerly peregrination through Trafalgar Square. What struck me was how many statues of imperialist military figures there still are in the square.

This statue of Sir Henry Havelock was nearly removed in 2003 (at the suggestion of Red Ken) and replaced with something more relevant. Obviously the real reason was that it was deemed insensitive that we still publicly celebrate figures like Havelock; who collaborated in what would today be considered an 'illegal' war in Afghanistan and led several draconian extinguishes of rebellious Indians in 'mutiny' against imperial rule.

He was also a dedicated Christian and distributed bibles to his troops.
