Tuesday 14 August 2007

Gosling Guardian

I'm amazed that this pair of Geese were able to bring up 8 goslings. It's the longest parade I've seen this summer. I'm surprised that some East London chav kids haven't stoned them to death if behaviour in our local park is anything to go by.

My lover and best mate Sara, mother of my child, is a protector of Goslings and all fluffy little baby birds. She's been known to scream and yell in the faces of chav kids and park pond attendants whilst simultaneously phoning the park warden and RSPB. She's saved a couple of stranded Goslings and a young Kestrel to date.

So, bird haters, watch out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

a string of chicks following their mum is one of the cutest sights in the animal kingdom. 'mother duck mother duck blow my house down' i think, was a line from a dirty harry movie...or was it 'mother goose'...actually it was 'row row row your boat'....never mind