Monday 30 April 2007

Pleb Attack!

As you can partially see from today's picture the boat was pretty full this morning. I'm not sure wether it's the good weather that brings more people on the boat or whether it's just the service getting more popular.

London is one of those places where good spots are inevitably discovered by the plebs. Every decent pub, restaurant, vista or route only remains a tantilising secret for so long, before its delectable smell eeks out and the sniffing masses come-a-sniffing.

Maybe the world is like this. Maybe the world is too full and there is no longer the room for secret, exclusive places. Or maybe there is plenty of room and actually its just the human condition to despise it when others find what you have found.

Or perhaps they all just read this blog?


Anonymous said...

perhaps the Plebs are looking at you thinking the same thing

Anonymous said...

It's very private in my cupboard under the stairs and I won't tell anyone you are there.

Anonymous said...

Are you not a newcomer yourself?

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